Jewelry Business Consultants

Earn While You Sleep – Practical tips for new affiliate marketers.

“Earn while you sleep?!” This may sound a little odd to you, especially if you are a traditionally trained marketer. But living in this age and time where digital marketing is now considered the “main-stream marketing” and online stores have taken over the market shares of mortar stores, “earning while you sleep” is no longer strange. Because the online marketplace never sleeps, and literally no boundaries can stop you if you want to tap on it. But before we dig a little deeper, allow us to help you understand Affiliate Marketing.”

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a process in which a company pays a marketer to generate sales or leads through links connected to the marketer. As an affiliate, you earn a commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of your links.

Affiliate marketing is a massive industry. The majority of affiliate program participants are not only national but also have a global presence. Therefore, the earning opportunity is really huge. And the best affiliate links are the ones that most closely fit actions you’re already taking – such as social media platforms and other online presences. That is why it still pays off to be cautious in choosing which business you will affiliate with, as this business model also capitalizes on your online credibility.

So, you found the right product to promote. Great! Now what?

  • This is something we can’t stress enough. Choose brands that you use and believe in.
  • Make your product list as short as possible, especially when you’re first starting out. Prior to adding affiliate links, focus on effectively promoting those products.
  • Use your website, blog posts, emails, and other free tools to generate sales for the product. Make sure your website is correctly linked and positioned in search engines.
  • Spend time researching so that you choose the right program. You want to make sure you earn a reasonable, fair rate. Your early commission may be lower than expected—a 10% commission rate would be considered high – but we offer more!!!

And here’s the good part!

Do you know that Alfredo Consulting Corp offer’s a competitive affiliate program? We have business partners in Asia. That’s why you don’t need to focus on marketing our products in a saturated US market. Do you want to know more about our Affiliate Program? Click the button below and set an appointment with one of our account specialists today!


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